Apache lucene vs elasticsearch
Apache lucene vs elasticsearch

Top N term accuracy can be controlled with shard_size Need to programmatically create queries if going beyond Lucene query syntax.

apache lucene vs elasticsearch

One set of fields per schema, one schema per core See ES docs and hon-lucene-synonyms blog for nuances. Technically, yes, but practically no because multi-word/phrase query-time synonyms are not supported. Rivers modules - ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS, CouchDB, Dropbox, DynamoDB, FileSystem, Git, GitHub, Hazelcast, JDBC, JMS, Kafka, LDAP, MongoDB, neo4j, OAI, RabbitMQ, Redis, RSS, Sofa, Solr, St9, Subversion, Twitter, Wikipedia Not an issue because shards are replicated across nodes.įilesystem, AWS Cloud Plugin for S3 repositories, HDFS Plugin for Hadoop environments, Azure Cloud Plugin for Azure storage repositoriesĭataImportHandler - JDBC, CSV, XML, Tika, URL, Flat File

apache lucene vs elasticsearch

JSON, XML, PHP, Python, Ruby, CSV, Velocity, XSLT, native Java SearchBlox, Hortonworks Data Platform, MapR etc Complete list NET, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, Smalltalk, Vert.x Complete listģrd-party product integration (open-source)ĭrupal, Magento, Django, ColdFusion, Wordpress, OpenCMS, Plone, Typo3, ez Publish, Symfony2, Riak (via Yokozuna)ĭrupal, Django, Symfony2, Wordpress, CouchBaseģrd-party product integration (commercial)ĭataStax Enterprise Search, Cloudera Search, Hortonworks Data Platform, MapR NET, Javascript, Go, Erlang, ClojureĬlojure, Cold Fusion, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript. TransportClient, Thrift (through a plugin)ĮS specific stats are exposed through the REST API

Apache lucene vs elasticsearch